About 500 skilled workforce members and 50 qualified staff and professionals are now working with TTT Footwear.TTT Footwear maintains a congenial working environment in which its people can truly feel their workplace as their second home.
- International auditing bodies carry out independent audits for TTT Footwear to make sure all aspects of workers’ rights, wages, safety as well as hygiene and security are met in a befitting way. It keeps its human resources on a regular development program also.
- Wages and other financial benefits are offered invariably on time, and as per the labour law of the country.
- Certified practitioners and qualified nurses ensure medical care in its premise around the working hours. Regular follow up of covid-19 awareness training & preventive measures. Apart from first aid supports, it provides free medicines also.
- Maternity attention, leave and benefits are provided accordingly.
- Parents working with TTT Footwear can enjoy safe and homely childcare services maintained by the trained babysitters.
- It imparts training to its workers regularly to help improve their productivity and develop awareness about their rights and responsibilities, and to keep them always prepared to handle different types of occupational hazards.
- TTT Footwear regularly trains its workers for safe chemical handling and
firefighting. Evacuations drills are carried out on a regular schedule so that all of its people can keep themselves trained and ready to respond to quick evacuation calls in case of fire or other emergencies. - Thru a well- structured workers participation committee (WPC), a mutual participatory approach is practiced in TTT Footwear. Under its capacity, the top management makes itself always available to hear the workers to mitigate their grievances in a proper way.
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